flamapy official documentation

Introducing flamapy , the cutting-edge Python-based tool for Automated Analysis of Feature Models (AAFM) using UVL and more. flamapy revolutionizes feature model analysis by integrating the strengths of previous AAFM tools with advanced multi-solver and multi-metamodel capabilities.

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Easily extensible

  • Plugin Generator: Simplifies the process of creating new plugins with a semi-automatic generator, making customization and expansion straightforward.
  • Variability modelling in the wild: Initially supports cardinality-based feature models, with the flexibility to easily incorporate other types like attributed feature models.

Robust solver support

  • PySAT Integration: Utilizes the PySAT metasolver, offering access to more than ten distinct solvers. This diversity allows for optimal solution finding across various complex scenarios.

  • BDD Integration: Utilizes the CU-BDD metasolver, offering efficient variability model analysis for some operations.

Easy to use, easy to integrate

  • Easy-to-use python facade: Designed with capabilities to analyse modes in Python with just a line of code.
  • Command line direct use: Easy to integrate in any ecosystem.
  • WASM support: Run analysis in your browser. Currently, both flamapy and PySAT are WASM compatible. Enable analysis with 0 configuration process.
  • REST / SWAGGER available: Integrate the tool in yours by means of a robust backend Rest API.

Large set of operations

You can find all set operations here


Detailed changes for each release are documented in the release notes.


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