Configuration distribution

Description: Analyzes the distribution of configurations within the feature model, identifying how features are grouped across valid configurations.

Application: Useful for understanding the variety and commonality of configurations generated from the feature model, aiding in product planning and strategy.

Example: Evaluating the distribution of various car models generated from a car feature model.

Code Examples

Python flamapy framework usage

from import DiscoverMetamodels
# Initialize the discover metamodel
dm = DiscoverMetamodels()
# Call the operation. Transformations will be automatically executed
result = dm.use_operation_from_file("BDDProductDistribution", "path/to/feature/model")

Python flamapy framework ADVANCED usage

from import DiscoverMetamodels
# Initialize the discover metamodel
dm = DiscoverMetamodels()
# Get the fm metamodel representation using the transformation required to get to the fm metamodel
feature_model = dm.use_transformation_t2m("path/to/feature/model", 'fm')
# Manually call a M2M transformation to BDD
bdd_model = dm.use_transformation_m2m(feature_model, "bdd")
# Get the operation
operation = dm.get_operation(bdd_model, 'BDDProductDistribution')
# Execute the operation
# Get and print the result
result = operation.get_result()