Count leafs
Description: This operation counts the number of leaf features in a feature model. Leaf features are those that do not have any children.
Application: Useful for identifying the most specific options in a product line.
Example: In a feature model, features at the bottom of the hierarchy without any sub-features are counted as leaf features.
Code Examples
Command line usage
flamapy count_leafs "path/to/feature/model"
Python easy to use facade usage
from flamapy.interfaces.python.flamapy_feature_model import FLAMAFeatureModel
# Load the feature model
fm = FLAMAFeatureModel("path/to/feature/model")
# Identify atomic sets
operation = fm.count_leafs()
Python flamapy framework usage
from import DiscoverMetamodels
# Initiallize the dicover metamodel
dm = DiscoverMetamodels()
# Call the operation. Transformations will be automatically executed
result = dm.use_operation_from_file("FMCountLeafs","path/to/feature/model")
Python flamapy framework ADVANCED usage
from import DiscoverMetamodels
# Initiallize the dicover metamodel
dm = DiscoverMetamodels()
# Get the fm metamodel representation using the transformation
# required to get to the fm metamodel
feature_model = dm.use_transformation_t2m("path/to/feature/model",'fm')
# Call the operation, no automatic transformations will be needed
result = dm.use_operation(feature_model,'FMCountLeafs').get_result()