Command line interface
Nonetheless, as mentioned above, flamapy as a tool aims at being easily usable; therefore, it provides a simple command line interface that does not require learning the framework and enables the most common feature modelling operations. For example, if you want to execute a satisfiable operation just run:
flamapy satisfiable "path/to/feature/model"
All available operations could be read by running
flamapy -h
Supported operations
However, below, you can find a comprehensive list of the supported operations for the command line and code snipets if you want to run them:
- Atomic Sets
- Average Branching Factor
- Commonality
- Configurations
- Number of Configurations
- Conflict Detection
- Core Features
- Count Leafs
- Dead Features
- Estimated Number of Configurations
- False Optional Features
- Feature Ancestors
- Filter
- Leaf Features
- Max Depth
- Satisfiable
- Satisfiable Configuration
- Unique Features